Monday, March 8, 2010


One cannot ignore god especially if you are an Indian. In India, every day of the week is dedicated to some god. Celebrations start only after offering the prayers to god be it festivals or marriage or house warming ceremony. We pray and then party.

The existence of god and the job profile of god are hardly ever questioned. Children are raised to believe in god. Thanks to the millions of gods and goddesses, the grandparents never run out of stories. As a child, I always loved mythological stories, but only after reading harry potter I realized that my liking for them was because of the magic and miracles and very little because of the gods.

I am not an atheist. I never questioned the existence of god, but I definitely had doubts about the purpose of prayers. My previous experiences had taught me that not every doubt should be raised to the parents. There are things which one has to figure out himself/herself and hence began my quest.

I was certain that in absence of any logical explanation I will eventually lose my belief in god, but thank god that did not happen on the other hand it became even stronger.

After dabbling with religious text I changed my course of action. My subjects now are the people, I observed in temples. I don’t have any spiritual guru but I do pose questions to my grandmother who very patiently answers all of them.

The perception of the god differs among people, some consider god as a friend, and some consider him as administrator, someone to be feared of. Some consider him as role model and try to lead a life like him. My perception differs depending upon the situation I am in.

The general notion is that the god is omniscient so there is no scope of pretense left. The idea that god knows purity of every thought, truth in each pleads is what I think makes the communication so easy. As a friend, we tend to share even the deepest secret with him. As a disciple, we seek solution from him.

The mere illusion of a true companion (in the form of god) is what according to me reduces the problem to half. The last hope, that the god has the power to straighten even the most tangled and twisted problem is what fills the eyes with tears during prayers. The most important of all the reason, why places of worship are always filled people is faith, and trust me faith is more contagious than any flu virus. It spreads like a forest fire.

Faith is belief. It is on faith we bank, when we take risk. I know a lady who has seen lots of hardship in life and she has immense faith on god. Whenever I speak to her, she tells that god is with me and everything will be okay. Her voice has so much conviction that I have to agree.

The feeling of not being alone, the desire of light in the darkest time and the confidence, are not that all what we looking for?


  1. U know what, for me God is belief..if i love somebody immensely he/she becomes God for me...that feeling becomes God for me because that feeling is pure..
    so i think its all in the perspective.....:):):):)

  2. have beautifully brought a sensitive, important and least debated topic. Since I haven't got opportunity to talk about this topic, I am happy to share my views here. People believe that prayer is a mode of reaching God something like Expressmail! Until this earth hour of mine, I have never really prayed (have recited those preconceived prayers in church though!!). I pity god sometimes, coz he is THE only person with so much troubles. I see God in the music I listen, In the words I write, so my take on prayer is just "thank you" when I find a good song, a nice book, a satisfying conversation with a friend, a hearty meal (the list goes on,,,,,,,).

  3. I disagree..thats not all what people are looking for.. I look for a companion, who doesnt only listen or exist in an illusion for me.. but one who I know will never bring me the point where I would need to cry on his shoulder in the first place.. Yes, he is there when I fall.. but who brought me to the point of falling anyway..why wasnt i warned my friends do when they know i would get hurt...Yes, faith is all you have... but faith is not all you need...not all I need anyway!

  4. i completly believe in i donno in which form he i feel dat energy..which commands everthing in dis universe...i sense dat hw does it affect 2 my aura...i hav comlete faith in sumtimes v dnt catch those gud or bad divya u hav explained dis sacred topic in a beautiful manner........keep it up...
